Book review – The Snow Lion

The Snow Lion by Jim Helmore and Richard Jones.

When you have read a lot of children’s books you start picking up on similar themes. This book’s central premise is around a little girl who has had to move into a new house and happens to find a magical friend. It’s a familiar premise but not an unwelcome one. The ‘friend’ is of course the titular snow lion who serves as both playmate and mentor who eases the girl into a new life with new friends.

It’s both sensitively and beautifully written, whilst the illustrations are charming and textured.

If we could, we would all have a snow lion for a friend!

By the way, if you are after similar books about moving house then I would also recommend ‘The Mist Monster’, ‘Cornelia and the Jungle Machine’ and ‘Kites’, all of which I have reviewed here.

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