The Last Tree by Emily Haworth-Booth
From the author of ‘The King Who Banned The Dark’ which I have previously reviewed here, comes this story of ecology and respect for the natural world.
It follows a group of people looking for a new home who find a lovely forest that can provide everything they need.
The illustration style is very distinctive with it’s limited colour palette and sketchy coloured pencil look. It’s nice to see something so hand drawn in a traditional medium. The style also reminded me very much of Raymond Briggs as did the some irony and pathos of the story.
The themes here will strike a chord with most ecologically minded people I would think. In small numbers the human race is not too bad and can live in harmony with nature, but in large numbers we are enormously destructive.
Is there a glimmer of hope in the end? Well, a glimmer perhaps and for that we must believe that the younger generation can do better than we did.
Worth checking out.